Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ultra medic takaful (Pelan medical card Etiqa Takaful)

Ultra Medic Rider
We have a plan to find a healthier you
In a world that’s moving as fast as ours, the only true investment is good health. It lets you spend time with your family, travel and discover the things you’ve always wanted. But most times, health is overlooked while trying to move ahead in life. The Ultra Medic Rider is designed to bring the focus back to health. This means you can pursue a healthier lifestyle and not worry about medical protection.
The challenge we face today is that medical costs are rising each year and the fear of costly medical bills can make you think twice when it comes to finding quality healthcare when you need it most.
“In Malaysia, medical inflation is estimated to be around 15% each year. That is to say, a simple appendicitis surgery that costs RM1,800 three years ago will set you back by about RM3,000 today.”
“Increases in medical bills are outpacing the general inflation rate each year. That raises the question whether healthcare is reserved only for those who can afford it.”
- The Star, March 14 2009.
Plan for your health
The Ultra Medic Rider lets you rest easy when it comes to getting the healthcare you want. It is a hospital and surgical takaful premier medical plan that provides comprehensive medical coverage of up to RM1,500,000 during your lifetime and a choice of 5 different plans to suit your budget and requirement.

Key benefits
With the Ultra Medic Rider you will enjoy the following key unique benefits:
  • Medical Second Opinion*
    We understand that when you’re seeking treatment for an illness, a second medical opinion can be valuable for added peace of mind. Through the Medical Second Opinion feature, your medical records can be sent to any one of the recommended top medical institutions in the world that specializes in your diagnosis. This way you get opinions from the world’s leading medical experts to compare with your existing diagnosis.
    After the submission of your medical files to the medical center of your choice, you and your local physician will receive a copy of the completed second opinion. Together with your medical physician, you can then determine the best treatment for your illness.
  • Alternative Medicine Treatment*
    You may seek post-hospitalization alternative medicine treatments, namely Chiropractic, Chiropody, Homeopathy, Osteopathy or Acupuncture from a registered practitioner licensed under the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
  • No Claim Bonus
    For keeping your health in check, we reward you 5% of the rider’s contribution, provided there is no claim in the previous year, starting from the third (3rd) certificate year onwards.
  • No Co-Takaful
    When you’re recovering after your treatment, worry should be the last thing on your mind. At Etiqa, we pay for your treatment in full according to the plan you’ve participated in, so that you can focus on your recovery without worrying about bearing a portion of the treatment cost.
  • Cashless Admission Card
    The Ultra Medic Rider comes with an admission card that gives you access to the benefits in the plan. Not only is it a convenient to use all-in-one card, it also ensures that every check-in and discharge at our panel hospitals are cashless and hassle-free.